APF Headquarters Moving Into New, State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facility in Phoenix

by Leane Owen - Director of Marketing, Flooring Systems

APF Headquarters Moving Into New, State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facility in Phoenix

APF to close Arizona production operations from Feb. 13 – 17 to accommodate move; Texas and California locations remain opened during headquarters transition


The move-in date for Arizona Polymer Flooring’s new manufacturing facility is fast approaching. Due to the time and effort it will take to relocate the business, we have planned the move in two phases. During the first phase, we will move our office and warehouse operations. This will occur Saturday, Feb. 4 through Monday, Feb. 6. The Arizona office and warehouse will be closed Feb. 6.


During the second phase, we will relocate our production, lab and quality control operations. This will require us to fully close production operations from Monday, Feb. 13 through Friday, Feb. 17. All orders need to be placed by Friday, Feb. 3. Beginning Feb. 7, all orders will be processed and picked up at the new location near 43rd Avenue and Buckeye Road (4565 W. Watkins St.) in Phoenix.


Production facilities in California and Texas, which are primarily dedicated to the production of Super-Krete® Products, the decorative concrete and concrete repair brand division of APF, will remain open.


The 50,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Phoenix will feature a laboratory R&D space, classroom and training areas, two conference rooms, a reception area, will-call and ample parking.


If you have questions about the move or the ordering process, please contact (800) 562-4921.


Stay tuned for additional announcements about the new headquarters in the coming weeks. We are also hosting a photo contest now through Feb. 10 to deck out our “Wall of Flooring Fame” in the conference area.